Dear readers,
What do you do when you're under CB or CCB? No, not what you're thinking. But rather, circuit breaker or (complete CB) - an initiative by the Singapore government to stop all non-essential services from 7th April to 4th May 2020. But we thank God because shops like bubble tea and hairdressers are still open for business (essential service sio), if not we could foresee BBT-deprived Tarzans at the end of this period.
Let me offer you something better to do - Cleaning up and Sprucing up your home.
For these reasons:
1. In less than a week of CB, your house has already turned into an inhabitable dump, full of unwashed plates, popcorn, or used rubber, lying on the floor.
2. Outside coronavirus, inside also virus from your filth got what use?
And lastly..
3. Your colleagues (and boss) will be impressed by your clean house (or corner) when you guys have video-conferencing.
Enough reasons or not?
Now, let that you have something better to do, let me introduce your handy dandy equipment.
Homegrown brand by a father of two.
Why Green Kulture?
1. It is pet- and most importantly: BABY-FRIENDLY.
As a work-home daddy, these two words: "BABY" + "FRIENDLY" are extremely striking to me. Anything that is friendly to my Baby Olivia, I will take it. And that includes virus-killing hand soaps, laundry detergents, and floor cleaners. pH-balanced and gentle on skin, now that's what I want for my kid.
2. It has no harmful chemicals.
Fun fact: A lot of popular brands of detergents/cleaners have a heck lot of toxic chemicals in it. Do you know that when you come in contact with these toxins, a portion gets absorbed into your skin as well - contributing to long-term health risks?! Yikes. Their products are:

3. It is Eco-friendly.
Talking about friendly, it is also friendly to our Mama Nature, because it is made of fruit and vegetable enzymes that is 100% biodegradable, and effectively function as cleaning agents while ensuring your child safe, non-toxic results.
4. You don't need a lot of water to clean.
4. You don't need a lot of water to clean.
The products of Green Kulture do not create as much foam, simply because of its nature from nature (GEDDIT? Who said foam equals to cleaner plates anyway). More importantly, it doesn't compromise on the effectiveness! As a result, you don't need as much water to wash away the detergent, or your laundry. And it also means, you get to save money from your water utility bills. OH YEAH.
Majulah Singapura right?
You know what's better?
On 11-12 April, Green Kulture is offering 20% OFF their hot-selling COMBO PACK.
Let limbeh show you what you can get:
A whole range of products, which cleans your hands to your plats, from your floors to literally anything with their signature Multi Purpose Cleaner.
And guess how much is it?
ONLY $35.96!
11-12 April 2020)
What's better? FREE DELIVERY!
What's better? 10% REBATES TO YOU!
Huat ah.
Let limbeh enlighten you on something ok? Today if you go to NTUC or your Mama shop, and you check how much does your usual brands of cleaning liquid cost? Machiam the same right?
Now for the same price, you get a box of goodies that is:
1. Your dog and baby approve it
2. Your hands won't corrode anymore
3. Mama Nature tells you "arigatou gozaimasu"
4. You don't need to wait for USAVE to actually save
5. Majulah Singapura brand
I mean why not, right?
How to get it?
If you are interested, here are a few ways to get it:
1. Drop me a mail at
2. Drop me a Whatsapp at 91714253.
3. Or simply scan here with your WeChat and search GREEN KULTURE's COMBO BOX.