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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hathaway - Modern Southeast Asia Fare @ Dempsey

Dempsey Hill is no stranger to us, it's a great, secluded place in the city, perfect for celebrations, dinner dates, or weekend brunches with the children. When the lovely Lady M told me we are going to Dempsey Hill for my birthday breakfast, I was thinking about the many place we been there (but usually we don't do repeats). Nearing the destination, I was asking for the restaurant's name so I can find a parking spot near there, and especially since it was drizzling. 

"Hathaway". To be fair, Anne Hathaway came to mind straight, so I was pretty sure it was a Western restaurant serving the usual egg benedicts, waffles and usual ang-moh (Western) brunch. In fact, the whole place exudes Western vibes, with marble counters and long wooden benches and lush sofa seating. When I looked at the menu, "EH? Apa ini? Kuih Pie Tee? Bergadil? Chap Chye? Kiam Chye Duck??" Yup, so you know.

Just a heads up, they do not serve their brunch menu on weekends, and since it's too early for heavy mains (like their beef cheeks, fried quail and yes, Kiam Chye Duck), we treated ourselves to some of their other signatures. The waiter recommended the Mussels (SGD$24Galician mussels cooked in a mohinga broth). Aside from my lack of understanding of what the heck is "Galician" and "mohinga", these dish is MHMM SEDAP. Mussels, soft and plump. The broth is another level. It tasted like the whole ocean being condensed into a bowl of broth. Something like lobster bisque on spicy steroids. Needless to say, I finished it to the very last bit.

The children had Nasi Lemak (SGD$12) and probably the most Western dish on the whole menu - Fish & Chips (SGD$12). I would have down the Nasi Lemak myself, but the latter could be better, especially when the fries tasted very store-bought.

Grilled Bone Marrow (SGD$18) was superb. It reminded me of my younger days when I was slurping the marrow off tulang (stewed beef/mutton bones) with my father. Except for this atas version that was finished with herby bread crumbs and served with grilled toast. Yup, you would eat it just like spreading butter on toast. Recommended.
For seafood lovers, please do yourself a favour and order Octopus Bakar (SGD$28). Abrolhos Islands' (West Australia) octopus grilled to perfection, we absolutely love how the charred ends complement the plump tentacles so well. Don't even get me started on the kicap manis sauce which elevates the entire dish. It's like how an Asian grandma would made it. I would have been a happy boy if I could drench some Mali Hom rice with this sauce.
For drinks, we recommend the Yuan Yang (SGD$7), a unique and Westernised blend of earl grey, coffee, and a hint of lavender. Not quite the kopitiam version you would expect, but again, modern ma.
All in all, do drop by Hathaway for a great fusion of East meet West cuisine. I suddenly thought of an apt example to describe their dishes - imagine an Asian Mama living abroad for several years, these would be the dishes she would come out with. Modern. Westernised. Yet the roots still hold strong.

Block 13 Dempsey Rd, #01-07, Singapore 249674